I went to go see my brother from another mother this weekend in London. As soon as I got there we grabbed our shred sleds & hit the streets. Just down the road from Nicks place are two amazing spots. We got warmed up at the first one, a ledge spot, and skated some flat ground to.
We then cruised over to the other spot, this one has a whippy vert wall ride, which Nick started throwing himself up really high to my amazement, I mean, this thing is hard to skate! The run up is not only rough, but you have to run up at the worst angle. So I started shooting & after a little encouragement he gave gravity a big fuck you and somehow went higher than his other attempts and got away back to fakie. So here's the photo, Nick Williamson with a big wallride to fakie, you rad bastard!

Also a photo Nick shot of me doing a tre flip on the bank at the same spot.