After Paris I made my way to Belgium to see my friend Cindy Frey. I hadn't seen her for a year since the last Brighton tattoo convention & I hadn't been to Belgium since the summer of 2009 for her Ink Passion exhibition and book launch. When Cindy picked me up she took me straight to her newest project, her very own gallery/photo studio/tattoo shop. When I was there she had only recently acquired the building, besides the tattoo studio being in action, most of it was still a work in progress. However I think it is almost complete from what I have heard, you can check it out here, it's fucking awesome...
Here a few random snap shots from my visit, the first one is a shot of the Brussels "Hollywood" sign, the rest are at the Cindy Frey Gallery in Kortrijk, and a couple of me and Cindy after she tattooed me.
I am going to having my very first exhibition hosted by Cindy Frey, here at her gallery at the end of this year, it will open on December 1st and be open for the whole month. I am honored to have the opportunity to do it, and cant wait! More details on it all very soon.