Saturday, 27 June 2009


Here is a portrait I shot about a year ago of my friend Tom Lock. I shot one of each member of the band but his one came out the most interesting because of the effect his glasses give which I just think looks pretty cool.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Summer time

Welcome to summer time. Enjoy it.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

In the dead of winter

These photos were taken in the dead of winter at the brand new skate park in Woodbridge. This was one of the coldest days I have ever been skating on, there was literally ice on the bottom of most of the ramps! But luckily it was dry and when you go for a session anywhere with Paul Roe & Dave Davies, you know some rad tricks are going to be thrown down.
Here is Paul with a bs noseblunt & Dave with a 360 flip from the platform into the bank.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

The Rotten Apple

Now I know that millions of photographers and a selection of their 500 closest friends have been to New York City and taken pretty similar photos and lots of people will say this and also how cliche & unoriginal it might be and blah blah blah. Well to those people.....get fucked, here are some of mine from a few years back.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Hazy Daze

This photograph I took was featured in IP1 magazine (issue 29) on an article about the environment & airports expansions etc. Well this was the original photo before illustrators fucked it up.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Marine death

This is a photograph I took down at an aged run down marina a while ago. The part of it where this was taken looks like it had just been left to rot for many years.
Sea view at a hazy sunset with an old rusty & tangled barbwire fence. Make of it what you please.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Rapsploitation Sessions -Mystro, Ramson Badbones, ill Bill

This Rapsploitation Session took place this Thursday night just gone.
Those who came were lucky enough to get the first copies of Truths new cd "Procrastinate(k)ing" & see local head Ill Bill start things up with his own very unique hip hop stylings which is always refreshing, Truth allso joined him for a song. Bill even donned some ski goggles and busted a few moves at one point! He definately "scared them normals" and got things kicked off.

Next up was Ramson Badbones, a young up & coming rapper from London. He has quickly become an extremely well known uk hip hop artist. Ramson performed a great set throwing in a freestyle towards the end which was pretty damn ridiculous!
Ramson seems to have his head screwed on very tight. He was a pleasure to see live, I recommend you check him out soon, he's on fire.

The headline artist was the well known Mystro, this big dude came bounding onto the stage grinning with his gold tooth shining & ready to put on a show. He delivered his songs with his trademark humour & got the audience involved. Mystro is such a character and very entertaining, even on the more serious numbers he performed he still had the crowd captivated.
Everybody left there smiling after another unforgetable session.
Here are the photos from the night.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Sweet harmony

A dramatic yet tranquil landscape photograph I took earlier this year. I especially like it because of the powerful sky & also the variation in the colours from the top to the bottom. Crisp, clean, simple & icy above to the natural, darker more complex tones of the earth, although far apart they work together in harmony.