Tuesday, 9 June 2009

The band formerly known as...

"The Rollocks"
The five piece band starred
Si Gray & Nikki Roge on lead & rhythm guitars, Tom Lock on bass, Jim Richman on the drums & completing the line up at the front of the band with his vocals & harmonica in hand we have Lewis Powell. When this close knit group of individuals got together they created their unique ballsy rock/blues sound which got them playing gigs anything from one to three times a week.
Sadly they decided to split around June/July 08 due to personal & musical differences between some of the band members.

However after a long break from it all, almost year down the line they have reformed! Though two things have changed...
ONE: they are a man down, unfortunately they're now minus Nikki Roge.
TWO: they have a new name....
"The Underground Rollers"
Their shows always have a good time atmosphere & they consistently play amazingly well. Even as a four piece the boys can still pull the crowds, get them rockin, put on a great show & produce an incredible set. Make sure you go see them!

Here are some promotional photographs I took of them around April last year when they were
"The Rollocks".

You can have a listen to The Rollocks at the link below...

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