more cleaning

Sergie Ventura, crossbone

Sergie Ventura, method grab aided by Lance Mountain on the deck

Renton Millar coming to after slamming

Chet Childress, bs smith in the deep

Grant Taylor, huge fs indy, first roll in

Connor Mallet, crail slide

Some random shots from the Bowl-a-rama.
Firstly a couple of people cleaning the bowl, being that this bowl is right by the beach a lot of sand gets caught in the bowl making it even more slippery than it already is. If it wasn't for these happy helpers doing their bit, the comp would not have gone off as good as it did, so cheers to those guys. Although they regularly cleaned the bowl, accidents did still happen, on the comp day Renton Miller slammed on a 540 just as things got really heated, and knocked himself out for a few seconds. And the night before the comp, Sergie Ventura hit his head on the coping knocking himself out for a minute, and this guy doesnt wear a helmet so he was rushed to hospital and stitched up. He ended up commentating instead of skating the comp so still got involved.
Also Chet Childress and Grant Taylor rolled in, 2 of the most unique skateboarders out there, pure beastly shredding from both guys.
Also an honourable mention to Connor Mallet who rides for Australian company Blood Wizard skateboards, Connor skated rad all week, ended up drinking with him a couple of nights, good lad, top marks to him.
Next post- Bucky Lasek feature. fuck yeah!
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